Barbara: (415) 712 3773
NOTE: When nobody answers please send
us an email as we might be in Europe!

Line Betyár
Pedro is Austrian import 2010.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"

Line Vasvar
Pavel is Austrian import 2010.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Vasvar"

Line Betyár
Helga is Austrian import 2010
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"

Line Betyár
Laurie is Austrian import 2010.
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"

Line Vasvar
Rhonda is Austrian import 2010.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Vasvar"

Line Betyár
Klara is Austrian import 2010
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"
Import to the US 2010
The import of the Blondes from Austria
To Wilhelm Kohl, Haslett - Michigan
The first Blonde Mangalitsa pigs were imported by Wilhelm Kohl & Marc Santucci to Michigan (Pure Mangalitsa LLC) in 2010.
Wilhelm is Austrian and came to the US in 1974. He had several businesses in the specialty food sector, so importing the Mangalitsas from his home country, where it is used in high end cuisine and traditional cooking was a natural step.
As the first Swallow belly Mangalitsa pigs were imported to the US by Heath Putnam in 2007. Heath imported those from Wiesners in Austria. As Putnam wanted to avoid that others started to breed he only sold barrows, so there was a high demand for breeding pigs at that moment.
Wilhelm contacted Christoph and Isabell Wiesner (who did not live far from where he was raised) and discussed with them an export of Blonde Mangalitsa pigs to Michigan. After several month of quarantine in Austria and a USDA facility in New York the first Blonde Mangalitsa pigs arrived in the USA, Michigan. Below you will find the 2 boars and 4 sows that were in the 2020 import.
The history of the 2007 Swallow belly imports you can find here LINK
The pigs were registered with the Austrian Herdbook. The pedigrees showed the parents and the grandparents. Some of the parents and grandparents were imported from Hungary to Austria several years before, that is the reason the pigs also carry the Hungarian boar line names.
More of the history of the breed in Austria you can find here: Austrian Mangalitsa history & Imports

Line Betyár
Pedro is Austrian import 2010.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"
(2010- no data)

Line Vasvar
Pavel is Austrian import 2010.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Vasvar"

Line Betyár
Helga is Austrian import 2010
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Betyár"
(2010- no data)
Import to the US 2014
The import of additional Blondes and the Red Mangalitsa
To Wilhelm Kohl, Haslett - Michigan
As importing pigs to the US is a very costly adventure, in time and money, Wilhelm imported first a limited amount of stock, as you could read above only 2 boars and 4 gilts were in the 2010 import. When selling breeding pairs, the next generation would we already quite close related. So Wilhelm and Marc knew they would need soon additional breeding stock, so clients could keep the genetics of the Blonde Mangalitsa in the US healthy long term. As Austria only had limited genetics / lines, Wilhelm contacted the Hungarian Mangalitsa Breed Organization (MOE) and after several visits by Wilhelm and Marc to Hungary they Hungarians were allowing an export to the US of stock that was registered in the MOE Mangalitsa herdbook. This is very unique, as it happens only in a few rare cases ever that registered Mangalitsa pigs were allowed to get exported to other countries!!
After setting up a plan for the import and selecting the amount of animals Wilhelm & Marc wanted to import, they contacted the USDA to discuss the import. But they were told by the USDA that it was NOT possible to import any pigs nor semen from Hungary as there were no import agreements between the USA and Hungary. That was a huge set back for the desperately needed additional genetics for the US.
Wilhelm came up with a brilliant plan:
They could send pregnant sows from the MOE / Hungary to another European country that has import agreements with Hungary and had export agreements with the US. The sows would give birth in that country in the for export required 2 month quarantine and the weaned inspected Mangalitsa piglets could fly to the New York USDA quarantine facility and after the required 8 weeks quarantine they could come to his farm (now called Kohl Farms) in Haslett Michigan.
The plan was accepted by the Hungarians and as not all piglets would be needed for the US the remaining piglets and the mothers could strengthen other europeans countries like The Netherlands, Austria, Germany, France, UK that were also desperate for new blood in their breeding programs. Wilhelm had to search for someone that would be able to do the quarantine, the paperwork, would speak english and would take care very well for their precious treasure - New Mangalitsa genetics for America.
As Wilhelm had seen on Facebook, the work that Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche did with her Red Mangalitsas in the Netherlands and the way she cared for them, he decided to contact her and ask if she was willing to help. Barbara had done several exports to France and Germany from her Red genetics, he knew she would have the needed knowledge how to manage exports. He contacted her and she agreed to help as she had gotten several requests from the US if she could export the Red Mangalitsa to the US but she always turned these offers down because her Red Mangalitsa genetics were not wide enough to guarantee a good start for the Red Mangalitsa population in the US. But as Wilhelm and Marc should get 4 different sows breed by 4 different boar lines from Hungary she agreed to help bring the Red's and new Blondes to the US from The Netherlands.
January 2014
Barbara flew to Vienna to meet with Wilhelm and some days later they drove to Hungary to meet Peter Toth the head of the MOE in Hungary to discuss everything and to visit several MOE Mangalitsa farms there. More about this you can read here: MANGALITSA IN THE NETHERLANDS
May 2014
8 pregnant MOE registered Mangalitsa sows (4 Blondes & 4 Reds) arrived by truck in a little settlement called Speuld, near Ermelo in the Netherlands. Barbara had worked hard to get everything set up for the NVWA (Dutch Government) controlled quarantine and arrival of the "Royal" Hungarian Mangalitsa sows.
Here a video where you can see their delivery: VIDEO
August 2014
18 piglets flew from Amsterdam to the USDA quarantine in New York and after another 2 month 8 pigs arrived at wilhelm Kohl's farm (Pure Mangalitsa LLC) in Haslett, Michigan. Now the location of Royal Mangalitsa.
The other 8 Red Mangalitsa piglets were transporter by truck from New York to T. Winkler in Windsor, California. 2 Blonde Mangalitsas went to Georgia.
The Blondes

Odin #B4
Line Halmáj
Odin is Dutch import 2014.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Hálmaj"

Arpad #B12
Line Bácska
Arpad is Dutch import 2014.
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Bacska"

Istvan #B9
Line Batòr
Istvan is Dutch import 2014
He is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Batòr"

Nora #B1
Line Halmáj
Nora is Dutch import 2014.
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Halmáj"
(Died 25 September 2018)

Ivanka #B2
Line Halmáj
Nora is Dutch import 2014.
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Halmáj"

Reka #B7
Line Bátor
Reka is Dutch import 2014.
She is from the Hungarian blonde boar line "Bátor"
The Reds

Wotan #R18
Line Devá
Wotan is Dutch import 2014.
He is from the Hungarian red boar line "Devá"

Freya #R24
Line Ovár
Freya is Dutch import 2014.
She is from the Hungarian red boar line "Ovár"
Import to the US 2016
The import of additional Red Mangalitsa
To Wilhelm Kohl, Haslett - Michigan
April 2016
13 Mangalitsa pigs flew again from Amsterdam to New York and 2 month later 4 Red Mangalitsas ( 2 boars & 2 gilts) arrived at Wilhelms farm in Michigan. One boar and one gilt stayed at Wilhelms farm. The other Red pair was sold to Hunter Sterling in Michigan. You can see the pictures below.
The other 9 Mangalitsa pigs, 2 Reds (1 boar & 1 gilt) and 7 Swallow belly (2 boars & 5 gilts) went to California.

Jinx #72
Line Ovár
Jinx is Dutch import 2016.
He is from the Hungarian red boar line "Ovár"

Ginsa #4
Line Szalonta
Ginsa is Dutch import 2016.
She is from the Hungarian red boar line "Szalonta"
In 2018 the Blonde Mangalitsa imports were sold to T. Winkler in California. The 4 Red Mangalitsas went to a farm in Georgia.
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