Barbara: (415) 712 3773
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The American Mangalitsa History
Knowing the History helps building the Future
The Swallow Belly

The Swallow Belly Mangalitsa
was the first color imported to the United States. The first swallow bellies came from Austria in 2007. A second import from Austria took place in 2010 and the last import in 2016 came from the Netherlands.
Learn more about the history of the Swallow Belly Mangalitsa in America you will find here:
The Reds

The Red Mangalitsa
came to the United States in 2011 from Austria. From this import, no offspring were sold. In 2014 the first red Hungarian lines were imported to the US from the Netherlands, where also the last import in 2016 came from.
Learn more about the history of the Red Mangalitsa in America you will find here:
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As the imports in 2007 (Swallow Bellies to Heath Putnam), 2010 (Blondes to Pure Mangalitsa, Michigan) and the 2011 (Auburn University) all came from Austria, is it also good to know the history of the Mangalitsa pig in Austria.
Here you can read a part of the Austrian Mangalitsa history:
The Mangalitsa Breed in Austria & the Import from Hungary in 2005

After 1986 the VEGH (now Arche Austria) started to keep track of the Mangalitsa breeding pigs in Austria. In 1994 Pof. Franz Punz registered 43 Austrian Mangalitsa breeders and started the Mangalitsa herd book. They mainly were swallow belly, only a very few breeders had blonde Mangalitsas. From 1980 to 1990 Prof. Punz arranged imports of 8 additional Swallow belly Mangalitsa lines from Hungary. The goal was to bring more Genetic diversity to the small Austrian pool.
The first official import of pure blonde and red Mangalitsa pigs from Hungary to Austria took place on the 14th of February 2005.
The imported blonde and red Hungarian Mangalitsa Breeding pigs came from the Hungarian breeding station in Emöd (from the MOE, the Hungarian Mangalitsa Breeder Organization). Previous to this import there were mainly pure bred Swallow Belly Mangalitsa at 75 Austrian breeding farms.
All imported Mangalitsa were added to the Austrian Mangalitsa Herd Book (VEGH, Verein zur Erhaltung von gefährdeten Haustierrassen)
Picture: The 2005 imported Hungarian Mangalitsas
The imported stock was of the following Hungarian boar lines:
Blonde Mangalitsa:
2 boars & 2 sow of line Vasvár (B1)
Boar VEGH #1207, Boar VEGH #1216, Sow VEGH #1275, Sow #1286 (all borne 27 Nov 2004, possible litter mates)
1 boar & 2 sow of line Halmaj (B2)
Boar VEGH #1211, Sow VEGH #1278,both borne 20 Nov 2004, possible littermate) & Sow VEGH #1285 (borne 27 Nov 2004)
1 boar of line Betyár (B3)
Boar VEGH #1208 (borne 6 Nov 2004)
1 sow of line Hortobagy (B4)
Sow VEGH #1287 (borne 3 Nov 2004)
Red Mangalitsa:
3 Boars & 3 Sows of line Mecser (R1)
Boar VEGH #1214, Boar VEGH #1215, Boar VEGH #1226 Sow VEGH #1266, Sow VEGH #1279, Sow VEGH #1280 (All borne 12 Oct 2004, possible litter mates)
2 Boars & 4 Sows of line Szolnok (R2)
Boar VEGH #1206 (borne 16 Sept 2004), Boar VEGH #1213 (borne 10 Nov 2004),
Sow VEGH #1267, Sow VEGH #1281 (both borne 10 Sept 2004, possible litter mates), Sow VEGH #1283, Sow VEGH #1284 (both borne 13 Oct 2004, possible litter mates)
Swallow belly Mangalitsa:
3 Boars of line Veszprém (S1)
Boar VEGH #1209 (borne 23 Nov 2004), Boar VEGH #1210, Boar VEGH #1212 (both borne 10 Oct 2004, possible litter mates)
1 Boar of line Sógor (S2)
Boar VEGH #1217 (borne 22 Oct 2004)
Here a picture the first litter of reds that were born of the import from Hungary in 2005.