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For Breeders-Butchers-Chefs

The Mangalitsa Breed

Old Lard breed from 1833

Breedstandards & Phenotype


- Breed Standards -

1833    -    2019
MBOAR - Website- Breed Standarts .png




The Mangalitsa pig is an old lard type breed of medium body size. It is distinguished by its rich and curly coat which is most prominent during the colder season. The 3 basic breed colorations are:


Blonde, Red and Swallow Belly (black with a white belly). A combination of these 3 colors yields a wide variety of colors, but they all should have the typical Mangalitsa breed characteristics in common. 


Only pure breed Mangalitsa are allowed to enter the register. Breed crosses should not be called, sold nor labeled as Mangalitsa, but clearly marked as Mangalitsa crosses.


Breed characteristics 





















































  • The Mangalitsa has a short, deep body with a fine but very strong skeleton/bone structure

  • The back is straight, or slightly curved. The groin (ham) is flat, not rounded as it is with meat breeds


  • The head is medium long, the ears are large and tip forward at older age. The ears are 2/3 of the length of the nose and form a straight line with the snout

​      Ears of the piglets are mostly short and often upright


  • The eyes are brown


  • The eyelashes, eyebrow, nose, claws, all natural body-openings and the nipples are always black 


  • The root of the tail is characteristically thick and the tip of tail-tassel is also always black 


  • The skin under the fur is greyish-black. Young piglets or animals that are kept inside often show a lighter skin on the belly. When kept outside the skin color should turn darker


  • The number of nipples is 10 to max 12. Max 6 on each side


  • On the lower edge of the ear is a bright spot (an inch in diameter), the so-called „Wellmann spot“  which is typical for all Mangalitsa pigs


  • The piglets of the breed are mostly striped​ 

      (Some piglets will not show stripes or only a slight coloration.

      The stripes disappear mostly in-between 1 – 12 weeks)


  • Seasonal molting of the hair in summer is typical for the breed 



Mangalitsa Breed Chacateristics.png
Loosing hair Red Mangalitsa Jeffrey - Royal Mangalitsa education.jpg

Undesirable traits in the Mangalitsa Breed


  • Light or pink color of the belly (when older than 16 weeks and kept outside)

  • Too fine or to rough bristles /hair 

  • Too long, straight hair that is dark colored on the back (Razorback) of the pure blonde color and pure red color Mangalitsa

  • Too small upright or to large hanging ears of animals older than 12 month

  • Too flat feet, x shaped front legs and too short front legs



Not allowed traits in the Mangalitsa Breed


  • Pink spots on the belly, legs, nose

  • Black or brown spots

  • Un-pigmented body openings

  • Yellow or yellow striped claws 

  • Pink nipples

  • More than 12 nipples

  • Pure white tails, without the black end tassel

  • Pink/white eyelashes or eyebrows

Educatie Royal-Mangalitsa.com19.png
Educatie Royal-Mangalitsa.com18.png
Desired body measurements



As the Mangalitsa breed is a very old breed, it does not show a uniform appearance as modern pig breeds. Because of that, the shape of the ears, snout and body can vary in the phenotype appearance of the breed. The breed is of medium body size.

We will explain more and give examples in the section: Phenotype with pictures in the near future.




Make sure you provide, for all growing animals as well as your pregnant and lactating sows a feed that provides them with proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. You do not want to slow down an already slow-growing pig like the Mangalitsa. A lard breed needs to have a good % of fat on their body. More about feed & diet will follow on this website in the next few months. 




Newborn piglets have a weight between 1,32 - 2,2 lbs (600 - 1,000 grams), reaching 13,2 – 17,6 lbs (6-8 kg) in 7-8 weeks when on a good diet (16 - 18% protein), they develop more slowly than modern pig species thus it is very important to provide feed for them that fits their needs. Many food like (spent grains) are nothing other than a filler for them. Piglets can't digest these kinds of feed. 




Boars and gilts reach maturity at 12-14 months. BUT, be forewarned that they can reproduce and get pregnant at 4 months. Thus, it is vital that you separate the gilts from all intact males at 14 weeks of age to prevent teenage pregnancy!


Lean Mangalitsa at 12 months weigh 154 – 176 lbs (70 – 80 kg), at age of 24 months 176 – 220 lbs (80 – 100 kg), 

Fattened Mangalitsa at 12 months weigh 330 lbs (150 kg), at older age the Mangalitsa can reach a weight of 440 – 661 lbs (200 – 300 kg.) 

Reference: Arche Austria - Austrian Mangalitsa Herdbook


Pigs that weigh 330 lbs have an average of 60% fat / 40% meat.  When they gain more weight, the % of fat increases up to 70%. The Mangalitsa pig is the best lard producing pig breed there is. This is what made it famous in the early 1900.

Older intact males (boars) of 4 years or older, can easily reach 500 lbs. 

Reference: Mangalica an indigenous swine breed from Hungary (Review)


Wither height boars at least: 31,5 – 43,3 inch ( 80 - 110 cm)

Wither height sows at least: 29,1 – 35,4 inch (74 - 90 cm)

Number 1 in the old picture


Body length (behind ear till tail) boar at least: 47,2 inch (120 cm)

Body length (behind ear till tail) sow at least: 45,3 inch (115 cm)

Number 2 in the old picture


Boar weight 330,7 – 485 lbs (150 – 220 kg)

Sow weight 308,6 – 396,8 lbs (140 – 180 kg)


Measurements are from a 3 year old animal. Average size and weight of Mangalitsa that are not extremely fattened up!




Boars with desirable phenotype: Blonde, Swallow Belly & Red Mangalitsa breeding boars with correct legs and feet, good back and belly line. Good body condition, not too fat or too lean.




Sows with desirable phenotype: Blonde, Swallow Belly & Red Mangalitsa breeding sows with correct legs and feet, good back and belly line. Good body condition, not too fat or too lean.


Examples of Mangalitsas that are of good phenotype and condition:




Desirable body structure in breeding pigs (yellow) and undesirable body structures. Good breed selection is needed when a animal is 12 month or older. Certain body structures appear only when the pig reaches maturity, so the final selection of breeders should be after 18 months of age. 
















How to determine good and bad feet and leg structures in your pigs. Good selection is very important when animals will be added into your breeding program.

Phenothype Mangalitsa _ feet & leg (corr

The information above is gathered from the Mangalitsa Breed Organization And Registry - MBOAR.

The Breed

The Mangalitsa breeds are indigenous to the former Austro/Hungarian region as well as to some parts of Serbia and Romania. Their breeding history dates back to about 200–250 years ago. They are lard-type pigs and have beautiful curly hair.


Also is their dark wel marbled meat tender and full of flavor. Their fat is healthy and rich of Omega3 and Omega 6.


Articles about the Mangalitsa breed


Alfred Brehm 1876


1. The pig 

Strat from page 540


Pig breeding in the Hungarian History



GödöllÅ‘ 2007 


Pallas's Great Lexicon

Different pig breeds




The pig as it once was



Royal Mangalitsa

216 E. Shoesmith Road

​​Haslett, MI. 48840

United States


Phone:  +1 (415) 712 3773

Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche

& Wilhelm W. Kohl​




In the winter months we are in Sarasota, Florida


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