Barbara: (415) 712 3773
NOTE: When nobody answers please send
us an email as we might be in Europe!

Østre Pavestad Gård
Organic and animal welfare certified herd of Mangalica located in the South Eastern wild forests of Norway. This strong and healthy herd is grazing on rich forest pastures the whole summer. Surrounded by beautiful nature and packs of wild wolves. Østre Pavestad Gård produces world class Mangalica meat and products sold directly from the farm. Internationally recognized Singer Petter Simonsen takes care of his Mangalica with great love and passion.
They produce Pure Mangalitsas as well as crosses (for meat production).
Their Website: Østre Pavestad Gård
Their Facebook: Østre Pavestad Gård

Bandit Farm
Bandit Farm breed's Mangalitsa pigs in Velfjord Norway, a fjord in the middel of Norway. They give their pigs a perfect life in a beautiful wood landscape, along side Moose and Deer.
They care for their pigs with love and passion, this you can tasted a exelent product!
Their Facebook: Bandit Farm

Tveite Grad
Tveite gard is located at Voss, two hours east from Bergen. They started with 5 Mangalitsa sows in 2015, at the moment Anders Handal Tveite has almost 70 pigs (pure Mangalitsa) at his farm. 10 sows expecting piglet the coming next months.
The farm is surounded by beautiful nature where they raise sheep besides their Mangalitsa pigs and some crosses with wild boar for meat production. Anders makes a variety of different products such as cured ham, saussages, bacon etc. He mostly deliver to restaurants, but also to private customers.
Their Website: Tveitegard
Their Facebook: Tveitegard
Their Instagram: Tveitegard