Barbara: (415) 712 3773
NOTE: When nobody answers please send
us an email as we might be in Europe!
A l l A b o u t
On this site you can find information about the slaughter, recipes and other information about the breed, they're fat & meat. I will add new parts continuously so more to come.....

This back fat is from Ilona, one of our 5 years old red Mangalitsa sows. She was finished on a barley diet (rolled barley). Her hanging weight was more than 180 kg (395 lbs). We left 3 cm (1 inch) of back fat on the loin, so the total fat cap was around 11 cm (4.5 inches).
To get such a big fat cap on a Mangalitsa you need a pig that is at least 18+ month old! We prefer a finishing period of 12 - 16 weeks on rolled barley after the pig is 18 month old. Some people try to put such a fat cap on with feeding old bread as they can get it for free, but we strongly recommend not to do that, as it can totally ruin the fat quality that you need for dried cured products!
Diet and fat quality:
The light pink color is a sign of high quality fat. As Mangalitsa fat already has a very low melting point (even below body temperature!) it is important to finish this breed correctly. With a diet that contains oils, like acorns, nuts, avocado, sunflower or other oily feed, the Mangalitsa fat will be even softer, which can cause problems. When the finishing diet of a Mangalitsa pig contains these ingredients, it is even more essential to add barely, rye or other grains to their diet the last 12 -16 weeks.
Sweet Lard
Some people think you only can use lard in a 'salty' version. Wrong, Mangalitsa fat (not the leaf lard) is perfect as a sweet version as well. Just start to be creative with lard.
Two delicious versions are: as a spread on bread or used as a ice-bonbon.
Klick on the picture and a PDF will open.
For everyone who wants to start raising Mangalitsa pigs
30 pages of valuable information about the Mangalitsa. Especially written for people that looking in to raising them. Lots about the meat & fat, pure Mangalitsas and their challenges and the benefits of crosses or other heritage breeds.
If you send us an email we gladly send you this PDF to share on your website. Free of charge!
Klick on the picture and a PDF will open.
Different Mangalitsa Charcuterie products cured in the Netherlands
In the video below I will explain some Charcuterie products that are very common made from Mangalitsa pigs. This breed is like the Iberico pig praised for its exceptional meat and fat to create the most beautiful Charcuterie.
Mangalitsa slaughter
Two short films from the slaughter of one of my Mangalitsa in the Netherlands. Homer was 24 month old.
Mangalitsa Slaughter Part 1
Part one of a short educational film about the slaughter of one of Barbara's Red Mangalitsas. She believes that it is very important that the slaughter is done in a humane & animal friendly way. Good farmers and butchers know that stress should be keept at a minimum level.
Barbara always makes sure her animals feel as calm as possible.
Mangalitsa Slaughter Part 2
In part two you can see Butcher Herman ter Weele and Marco Peerdeman (former Butcher from Jamie Oliver UK) cutting Homer the 24 month old Mangalitsa barrow from Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche. Homer was raised on a barley diet for the last 16 weeks before slaughter, to make sure the fat had a bit more firmness and was extra "clean", as we would use Homers meat and fat for high-end Charcuterie.
The videos are in Dutch but I still hope that looking at the videos will be helpful for you. If you have questions, do not hesitate to send me an email.
The benefits of Mangalitsa fat, explained by Hungarian Chef Viktor Moldován
I am asked so often: "What do you do with ALL the fat???"
Well, listen to Viktor, who has worked in Japan for many years with the Mangalitsa meat and fat that was exported from Hungary. Viktor explains in detail where the great benefit of Mangalitsa fat is found, compared to other pig breeds.
He says there is a big difference when it comes to use pork fat in the creation of high-end cuisine, and for him is the fat of the Mangalitsa the highest quality, as it is 'clean' and soft, it has no 'porky' smell nor flavor too it, so he can use it to confit other meats, like duck or chicken without getting also the pork flavor in the dish he creates.
At the end of the video I give the recipe how to make SWEET Lard (Recipe at the beginning of this page) but it is in Duch, as the short film was made for the Dutch Food Channel
At-Home Hog Slaughter
Written collaboratively by Amanda Blair, Christina Bakker and the
South Dakota Animal Industry Board.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused supply chain disruptions for nearly every commodity, including the swine industry. This has left many producers searching for alternative strategies to market their livestock and consumers seeking alternative options for sourcing meat. One option that can be considered is butchering pigs at home.
Producers with market ready hogs can sell live pigs to consumers to slaughter and process at home. This guidance is intended to instruct on the proper techniques for slaughtering pigs at home and, if done correctly, will result in humane slaughter, a safe meat product, and a safe working environment.
If not done correctly there are significant risks to personal safety, animal welfare and meat safety.